Professor Amit Kumar Sharma

Prof. Amit Kumar Sharma
Centre for the Study of Social Systems,
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi-110067
Mobile: 09650747953
PhD (Submitted in July 1993, Degree awarded in October 1994) on 'Symbols of Kinship Identity in a Village in Bihar', under the joint supervision of Dr. Patricia Uberoi and Professor Yogendra Singh, CSSS/ SSS/JNU, New Delhi.
MPhil (Submitted in July 1988, Degree awarded in 1989) on 'Social Construction of Women in Anamdas Ka Potha : A Sociological Study', CSSS/SSS/JNU, New Delhi.
MA (1984-1986), Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, with Ist Division (61.9% marks).
BA Honors (Sociology) 1981-1983 batch but result in 1984 from B. N. College, Patna, Patna University, High IInd division (58.5% marks).
I.A. (Sociology, History, Logic) 1979-81 from B N College, Patna, Patna University, Ist Division (60.4% marks).
Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 24 September 2010-till date.
Associate Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 24 September 2002- 23 September 2010.
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2 December 1999- 23 September 2002.
Lecturer (Senior Grade) at Post Graduate Department of Sociology, Janta Vedic College, Baraut (Meerut University), 28 July 28, 1998-1 December 1999.
Lecturer at Post Graduate Department of Sociology, Janta Vedic College, Baraut (Meerut University), 24 September 1993-27 July 1998.
Lecturer of Sociology at Sri Venkateswara College, South Campus, University of Delhi, October 1991 to April 1992.
Cinema and Culture in India, Sociology of Religion, Gandhian Philosophy, Sociology of Civilizations, Economy and Law, Globalization and Sociological Theories
Participated in the Refresher Course in Sociology organised by JNU (July 14 to August 8, 2003).
Participated in the Refresher Course in Sociology organised by JNU (November 19 to December 14, 2001).
18th September 2019:- At UGC- HRDC 39th Refresher Course in Sociology On : Coomaraswamy, Levis-strauss and T.N. Madan : Towards a new Cultural Sociology of Global Civilizational Networks.
15th March 2021:-7thRefresher Course in Global Studies (IDC) through online mode organized by HRDC-JNU on Topic: " The concept of space and time in indic tradition and western modernity : a preliminary quest in westology ".
Sharma, Amit kumar, 41st Refresher Course in Sociology being organised by HRDC JNU in online mode: " "Studying Indian Culture in the Field: A Comparative Perspective on TN Madan, Louis Dumont and Yogendra Singh", 11 Sep, 2021
1. 2022, Sanatan Dharm Ka vayvharik Swaroop, Shaolin Publications, New Delhi
2. 2020, Bharat Mein Cinema Aur Sanskriti:Ek Samajshastriya Drishti, Shaolin Publications, New Delhi
3. 2018, Bharatiya Sanskriti: Prakriti Awam Parivartan, New Delhi: Hindi Kamal Prakashan
4. 2018, Hind Swaraj Ki Prasangikta ( 3rd expanded and enlarged edition), New Delhi: Hindi Kamal Prakashan
5. 2014, Bharatiya Sanskriti Ka Swaroop, New Delhi: Kautilya Prakshan
6. 2011, Symbols of Kinship Identity: In a North Indian Village, Germany: LAP LAMBERT
7. 2011, (eds.), Religion and Culture in Indian Civilization (Essays in Honour of Professor C N Venugopal), New Delhi: D K Printworld
8. 2011, Bhartiya Samaj Shastra Ke Pramukh Sampradaya, New Delhi: D K Printworld
9. 2006, Bharatiya Sanskriti Ka Swaroop, New Delhi: Kautilya Prakashan
10.2005, Hind Swaraj Ki Prasangikta, New Delhi: Kautilya Prakashan
11. 2005, Structure of Indian Society (Urdu Edition) – A Sociology Textbook for Class XII, New Delhi: NCERT
12.2003, Structure of Indian Society – A Sociology Textbook for Class XII, New Delhi: NCERT
13.2003, Bhartiya Samaj Ki Sanrachna, New Delhi: NCERT
Indian Cinema in the Global Village: Challenges and Possibilities (Forthcoming, Shaolin Cinevision and Kautilya Prakashan, 2022).
Marriage and Family among the Hindus in India. 2022
Submitted manuscript of my new Book "Bharat Mein Cinema Aur Rajneeti" to Shaolin Publications 2022
Currently working on "Hindi Cinema ki Kaaljayi Filme:- Ek Nayi Soochi ''. 2023
Rethinking Religion and Society in India - Jointly written by Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma and Dr. Basil Kunnath Philip, (Under Negotiation with Routledge, Delhi).2023
1. "Sabhyata Ka Vaishwik Sandarbh", Sab Log, May 2010
2. " Samakaalin Bharatiya Samaj aur Mahatma Gandhi", Vichar, March 2010
3. "Khagolikaran ka Naya Roopa", Sab Log, February 2010
4. "Kujat Gandhivedi Lohia", in Akraar, March 2010
5. "Bhartiya Cinema ka Lokshastra" in Samved-18, July 2009
6. "Bhajpa ki Vidambana" in Sablog, October, 2009
7. "Parv aur Teerth ka Mahatva", in Bharteeya Paksha, Volume 6, Number 9, September,2009
8. "Gotra Vivad ke Sanskritik Aayam", in Sablog, September, 2009
9. "Maut Matam Nahi Masti ka Vishay", in Bharteeya Paksha, Volume 6, Number 8, August 2009
10. "Char Prishthon Mein Hind Swaraj ", in Bharteeya Paksha, Volume 6, Number 7, July 2009
11. "Dor: Ek Samajshastra Dristikon in Rabindranath Tripathi", edited, Media: Film Visheshank, a journal of Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, New Delhi, 2009
12. "Hind Swaraj Ka Darshanik Aadhar" in Sab Log, May 2009
13. "Hindi Cinema Ka Lok Shastra" in Samveda-21, 2009
14. "Bharateeya Samaj Ki Antardhara", Sab Log, March, 2009
15. "Yuva Manaska Bahurang", Sab Log, January, 2009
16. "Pradeep Tiwari, Bharateeya Cinema Aur Uttar Bharat Ki Lok Sanskriti", Aagah,Volume 7, Mumbai, 2009
17. "Mahatma Gandhi Ka Sabhyata Mulak Vimarsh", Prabhat Khabar Deepawali Visheshank, Ranchi, 2008
18. "1857 Ki Kranti" in 1857: Bharat Ka Pehla Mukti Sangharsha, (edited by Devendra Chube et al), Prakashan Sansthan, New Delhi, 2008 (pp. 314- 317)
19. "Bharatiya Cinema Ka Samajik Mulya",Bharatiya Paksha, Volume 4, Number 4, April 2007
20. "Jaan Pehchan Ka Hindi Cinema",Pratham Pravakta', April 2007
21. "Bharatiya Cinema Ka Mulyabodh", Bharatiya Paksha, Volume 4, Number 5, May 2007
22. "Bharatiya Sanskriti Ka Samajshastra" in Sahitya Ka Naya
23. Saundaryashastra, edited by Devendra Chaubey, Kitab Ghar Prakashan, New Delhi, 2006
24. "Empires & Communication Strategies", with Uday Sahay & Pavan Choudary in Uday Sahay (edited), Making News, OUP, New Delhi, 2006
25. "Indology in India", Think India, Volume 8, Number IV, October- December, 2005
26. "Tilak, Gandhi aur Shukla" in Bhartiya Paksha, Volume 7 & 8, July -August, 2005
27. "Aacharya Ramchandra Shukla Awam Hindi Sahitya Ka Samajshastra: Chintamani-4 Ke Sandarbh Mein" in Naya Mandand, Volume 35-36, January-March to April-June, 2005
28. "Shrimadbhagawat Gita Aur Hind Swaraj" in Bhartiya Paksha, Volume 6, June, 2005
29. "Lok Paramparaon Ka Shashtra" in Bhartiya Paksha, Volume 5, May, 2005
30. "Hind Swaraj Ki Prasangikata" in Bhartiya Paksha, Volume 4, April, 2005
31. "Ekkisawi Sadee Ka Rawan" in Bhartiya Paksha, Volume 1, January, 2005
32. "Element of Indian Civilization: A Sociological Perspective" in
Indian Anthropologist, Volume 33, June, 2003
33. "Bhartiya Sanskriti Ka Samajshastra" in Aajkal, Volume 691, Number 1, May, 2002
34. "Samajshastriya Vimarsh Ke Aayam" in Samveda, Volume 11, February, 2002
35. "Ekkisawi Sadee Ka Rawan" in Swadeshi Patika, Volume 6, Number 12, 2001
1. Book review "Nation and National Identity in South Asia edited by S.L. Sharma and T. K. Oommen" in The Book Review, Vol.- XXVI, No. 10, October, 2002
2. Book review "Stories, Dreams and Science: Recognising our limits" in Humanscape, August, 1999
3. Book Review, "Dynamics of Change in the Modern Hindu Family" in Sociological Bulletein, 1996
4. Book Review, "Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organisation of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal" in Contributions to Indian Sociology (N S), 29, 2, 1995
5. Book review "Social Movements in the South" in Lokayan Bulletin, No 11.4, January-February, 1995
6. Book review "The Concept of Person" (edited by Ostor, Fruzzetti and Barnett) in the Journal of Family Planning, Bombay, 1995
7. Book review "Probing Strands of Cultural Imperialism: Sociology and the Third World Perspective" in Down To Earth, February 28, 1993
8. Book review "The Jajmani System: An Investigation" by Bruce Caldwell, Delhi, Hindustan, 1991 in Contributions to Indian Sociology (N S) January 27, 1993
9. Book review "Abhinavadarshanama" by B.D. Tripathi, 1989, Varanasi in Contributions to Indian Sociology (N S), 26, 2, 1992
10. Book review "Boundaries and Identities: Muslims, Work and Status in Aligarh" by E.A. Mann, 1992, New Delhi, Sage in Down To Earth, September 30, 1992
11. Assistant editor of the special issue of Manthan [English] (A journal of DRI, New Delhi) on the theme of Integral Humanism of Deendayal Upadhyaya, July-September, 1991
12. "Deendayal Upadhyaya Ke Chintan Mein Bhoot, Vartaman Awam Bhavisya" (in Hindi) Manthan (A journal of DRI, New Delhi), September, 1991
13.Book review "Modern Civilisation: A Crisis of Fragmentation" by S.C. Malik, 1989, New Delhi, Abhinav in Contributions to Indian Sociology, (N S), 25, 1, 1991
14.Book review "Sociology of Indian Literature: A Sociological study of Hindi Novels" by S.R. Raghava, 1987, Jaipur, Rawat, in Contributions to Indian Sociology (N S), 23, 2, 1989
1. "Indian Culture in the 21st Century: Decoding the Symbolic Codes of Vedic Cosmology"
2. "On the Need of a Coordinating Centre of Research, Training and Social Reconstruction"
3. "Chhayavad Ka Vastavik Swaroop"
4. "Bharateeya Rajneeti Ka Bhavishya"
5. "Jeevan Sangeet"
6. "Ekadasi Vrat, Teerthayatra Tatha Desi Kheti"
7. "Hindutva Ka Artha"
8. "Samakalin Bharateeya Samaj Aur Mahatma Gandhi"
9. "Bharateeya Samaj Ki Antardhara: Samaj, Khel Anam Cinema"
10. "CINEMA AND CULTURE IN INDIAN SOCIOLOGY: A THEORETICAL EXCURSUS" Forthcoming in B.K. Nagla and Kameshwar Chaudhari edited book in honour of Prof. Yogendra Singh, Rawat Jaipur.
UGC Research Fellowship (NET 1986) for 5 years during MPhil and PhD (1986- 1991)
Cultural Dimensions of Sampradaya in North India Sun Worship in North India CAS, CSSS/SSS.
Production, Distribution and Consumption of Cinema in India Today (partly financed by CAS,CSSS,JNU).
At MPhil level – 'Social Construction of Women in Anamdas ka Potha :A Sociological Study' under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Uberoi, CSSS/ SSS/JNU from August 1, 1986 to July 1, 1988 (2 years).
At PhD level, Symbols of Kinship Identity in a village in Bihar under the joint supervision of Dr. Patricia Uberoi and Professor Yogendra Singh, CSSS/ SSS/JNU from 21st July 1988 to July 22, 1993 (5 years).
Sociology of Traditional Sciences: A Comparative Study of Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda (in Hindi) sponsored by Kautilya Institute of Development Studies (1993 to 1995).
Social Psychology of Sampradayas and Aspects of Hindi Literature (in Hindi) sponsored by Society for Indian Thought and Action (SITA) (1996 to 1998).
'Loka' and 'Shastra' in Indian Civilisation (in Hindi) sponsored by Society for Indian Thought and Action (SITA) (1998 to 1999).
Religious Philanthropy and Organised Development Efforts in India (With Rakesh Kapoor) sponsored by Indian Centre for Philanthropy 1999.
Cultural and Social Dimensions of Sampradayas in India, JNU, CSSS/SSS (Partly Sponsored by DSA, CSSS, ASHIS Grant, CSSS) from 2000 till date.
Keynote Speaker, Social Choice Before India in the Emerging Global Order in a Seminar on Facing the New Millennium, organized by Society for Indian Thought and Action (SITA), New Delhi, February 12, 2000
Keynote Speaker, "Dialectics of Indian Tradition: The Buddhist Perspective at a Seminar on Indian Tradition Organized by the Society for Indian Thought and Action, Patna on 21.6.2000
Discussant in a Seminar on 'Science Policy in India' given by Professor V V Krishna in CSSS/SSS Thursday Seminar on 31.8.2000
Speaker, 'Our Kind of Future' in a Symposium on the theme 'Our Kind of Futures' organized by the Alternative Futures, New Delhi on 2.10.2000
Speaker, Scientific Method and Indian Sociology: A View-Point in a Special Discussion on Scientific Method organized by CSSS / SSS on 8.11.2000
Organized a three day dialogue with Professor J P S Uberoi on his study of Indian Tradition and Western Modernity for Society for Indian Thought and Action, JNU November 27-29, 2000
Keynote Speaker, Family and Kinship in India: Some Conceptual Problems organized by Academic Staff College, JNU, 21.7.2000
Key-note Speaker, Globalization and Indian Civilization; Some Random Thought, organized by Academic Staff College, JNU, 16.11.2000
Sociology and Indian Social Thought: Need for Reflection CSSS / SSS / JNU 31.8.2000
Presided over a workshop on Crisis in Indian Civilization, Kautilya Institute of Development Studies, New Delhi, May 5, 2001
Presidential Speech titled 'Vivekanand and Ramakrishna: A Comparative Study' delivered in a Seminar on Vivekanand and the New Millennium, organized by the Vivekanand Vichar Manch, JNU on 13.1.2001
Discussant in a Seminar on Mind and the World in Sociology given by Professor J P S Uberoi, CSSS/SSS/JNU, Thursday Seminar 18 January
Speaker, Charity in Hinduism at the Indo-German dialogue on Religion and Charity, CSSS/SSS/JNU February 23.24.2001
Discussant in a Seminar on The Crisis of Higher Education in India organized by Prof. Anand Kumar, CSSS/SSS March 8, 2001
Keynote Speaker, Role of Venus in the Personality Development in Indian and Equadorian Culture in a Seminar on Personality Development, organized by the Society for Indian Thought and Action, Delhi, May 14, 2001.
Presided over a workshop on Inter-Cultural Dialogue between India and Equador, organised by the Society for Indian Thought and Action, Delhi, June13, 2001.
Participated in a Seminar on Relevance of Sri-Aurobindo Today, organised by Gnostic Centre, Delhi, August 15, 2001.
Keynote Speaker in a workshop on Rethinking Vivekananda organised by Society for Indian Thought and Action, Delhi, August 15, 2001.
Participated in a dialogue on Science and Religion with Swami Ananta, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Delhi, October 24-25,
Participated in the Refresher Course in Sociology, November 19 to December 14, 2001, Academic Staff College, JNU.
Presidential address, Relevance of Vivekananda Today, Vivekananda Vichar Manch, JNU, January 11, 2001.
Participated in a Seminar on Vedic Science Heritage organised by Navodayam, Delhi and Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage, Trivandrum, January 12, 2002.
Rethinking Lucknow School of Sociology in Prof. R. K. Jain Felicitation Seminar on Dynamics of Culture and Social Change, CSSS/SSS January 23-24, 2002.
Speaker, Indian Culture: The Eternal Flow, Vivekananda Manch, JNU, 27.1.2002.
Speaker, Science and Sprituality in the Philosophy of Vivekananda, Shaheed Bhagad Singh College, 30.1.2002.
Panelist, Communal Viloence and the Role of the State: A Case of Gujarat CSSS/SSS, 7.3.2002.
Speaker, Gandhi as a Hindu Theologian, in C.N. Venugopal Felicitation Seminar on Sociology of Religion in India, CSSS/SSS/JNU, April 15, 2002.
Organized a two days workshop on Indian Culture, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Committee Room, JNU, April 20-21, 2002, New Delhi.
Participated in a Seminar on National Curriculum, Framework for School Education, 2000, DEPH of Education in Social Sciences and Humanities NCERT, New Delhi, September 3-5, 2002.
Participated in a Seminar Felicitating Prof. T.K. Oommen on Rethinking Sociology: There Indian Context 21-23 October, 2002.
Speaker, Indian Theory of Governance, Kautilya Institute, May 3, 2003.
Speaker, Media and Mediation of Democratic process in Indian Society, Kautilya Institute, September 23, 2003.
Keynote Speaker, Organic Farming in Indian Tradition, Organic Farming, Surabhui Sodha Sansthan Varanasi and Kautilya Institute of Development Studies, Delhi, February, 4-5, 2004 at Varanasi.
Keynote Speaker, Sampradayas in Indian Civilisation in a Seminar on 21st Century, Kautilya Institute of Development Studies, March 9, 2004, Haridwar, Uttaranchal.
Participated in a Workshop at NCERT, New Delhi Theme, Preparing Annotated Bibliography for School Children, March 18-19, 2004. 2004-2005
Speaker, Organic Farming, Naturopathy and Paganism in Contemporary Societies, Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation, Kautilya Institute of Development Studies, New Delhi, May 8, 2004.
Speaker, Sampradayas and Sanatan Dharma - Some Observations, Shaswat Bharti, Vrindavan, June 14-16, 2004.
Speaker, Twelve Lectures on the Hind Swaraj of M.K. Gandhi organized by Society for Indian Thought and Action, Patna, June 21- July 3, 2004.
Speaker, 'Construction and De-Construction in Social Sciences: A Public Lecture in honour of Professor J. Derrida organized by Philosophy, A Study circle in JNU, September 23, 2004.
Speaker, Role of Temples in the Sanatan Dharma, Rethinking the Strength and Weakness of India as a Civilisation, Adhyatama Sadhana Kendra, Chhterpur and Kautilya Institute, February 5-6, 2005.
Speaker, State and Society in Indian Tradition: A Sociological Viewpoint, State and Civil Society in the Emerging Global Village, Shaswat Bharti, New Delhi, March 4, 2005.
Speaker, Hindi Cinema and Indian Culture: A Sociological Perspective on Devdas, Chitralekha and Black in a Seminar on Cinema and Society in the Global Village, Shaswat Bharti, New Delhi, March 5-6, 2005.
Participated in a two days Symposium on Relevance of Hind Swaraj at Gandhi Peace Foundation (organised by Kautilya Prakashan, New Delhi) August 11-12, 2005.
Participated in the Prof. K.L. Sharma Felicitation Seminar on Dynamics of Indian Society: Stratification and Change 19-20 November 2004.
Speaker, Pushkar and Ajmer: The Culture of Two Cities, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Ajmer, September 3, 2006.
Speaker, Cinema and Reconstruction of History in Tajmahal of M. Sadia, Kautilya Institute, New Delhi, September 16, 2006.
2007, January 18, Mahatma Gandhi and the Study of European Tradition: an Exercise in Westology, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi.
2007, March 22, Texual Analysis in Civilization Context: An Indian Perspective, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi.
Organised a Four day Seminar on Cinema and Society in India, CSSS/SSS/JNU, February 24-27, 2007.
Speaker, The National Character of Hindi Cinema: A Sociological Analysis at Academic Staff College, JNU, April 19, 2007.
Speaker, Leo Saturn and the Paradigmatic Change in Indian Civilisation in a Seminar on Brihat Samhita, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Tehri Garhwal, Uttaranchal, May 22-26, 2007.
Speaker, Sun Temple, Solar Energy and Solar Dynasties in Indian Civilisation, Maharasa Foundation, New Delhi, August 16, 2007.
Speaker, The Process of Liberation and Creation in Indian Culture, Maharasa Foundation, New Delhi, December 7, 2007.
Structural Study of John Matthew Mathan's Sarfarosh, Debaki Bose Institute of Cinema and Culture, Delhi Branch, January 6, 2008.
On the Concept of Sanjeevini Vidya and Amrit Vidya in Vedic and Aagmic Literature, Debaki Bose Institute of Cinema and Culture, Delhi Branch, January 8, 2008.
Keynote address, Understanding Gandhi through his Life, Works, Ideas and Inspirations, Gandhi Peace Foundation, March 5, 2008.
FICCI Frames, Mumbai, 26 March 2008, Keynote Speaker, Talent Crunch in Media and Entertainment Industry.
On the Need of a Political Training Institute, in a Seminar on Politics in Contemporary India, SITA, Hyderabad, July 25-26, 2008.
Co-chair in a Seminar on Poverty Reduction and Social Protection, CSSS/SSS/JNU, October 2, 2008.
From Chhatha Puja to Gayatri Japan: Cultural Diversity in Sun Worship in North India, Lecture at Kautilya Institute, Patna, December 24, 2008.
Panel Discussion - Relevance of Gandhi and his Ideas on Lok Sabha TV, 30 January 2009.
Panel Discussion - Mahatma Gandhi and his Hindu Critics, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 28 March 2009.
Speaker, Cinema and Society in India, Academic Staff College, JNU, 5 March 2009. Panelist, Mahatma Gandhi and his Hindu Critics, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, 28 March 2009.
Discussant, PhD Workshop, CSSS/SSS/JNU, 30 March 2009.
Discussant, M N Panini Felicitation Seminar on Economy, Society and Sociology in South Asia, 7 March 2009.
Speaker, Western Influence in Contemporary Indian Society, Patanjali Yogapeeth, Haridwar, 11 April 2009.
20 May 2009- Speaker, Rethinking Chayavaad in Hindi Literature, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Van Devi Estate, Hasan, Karnataka.
25 May 2009- Speaker, Death and the Celebration of Life in Indian Civilization, Society for Indian Thought and Action, Van Devi Estate, Hasan, Karnataka.
22 June 2009- Speaker, Symboisis of Folk and Classical In Hindi Film Music, Maharaas Foundation, Patna.
24 June 2009- Speaker, Art and Craft in Indian Civilization, Maharaas Foundation, Patna.
7 September, 2009- Ramdhari Singh Dinkar and the discourse of Indian Culture in Hindi Literature, Kautilya Institute of Development Studies, New Delhi.
9 September, 2009- The Cycle of Leo-Saturn and the Paradigmatic Changes in Human Civilization, Surya Vandana Kendra, Faridabad.
18 September, 2009-S peaker, Hindi Cinema of Small Budgets: The Emerging Trends, Society for Indian Thought and Action, New Delhi.
Main Speaker, "Hind Swaraj in The Present Context" on a seminar on 100 years of Hind Swaraj organized by India Policy Foundation, 10th October,2009.
22 October 2009- Main Speaker on Theory and Method of Levi-Strauss in a special lecture organized by Dr. Vivek Kumar, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
24 December 2009- Speaker, Crisis of the Political System in Indian Society, Society for Indian thought and Action, Patna.
17 February 2010- participated in a Panel discussion on Ranganath Mishra Report at India Policy Foundation, New Delhi.
9 March 2010-Lecture, Cinema and Society in India, ASC, JNU.
14 September 2010- Main Speaker, The Future of Indian Polity, Kautilya Institute of Developmental Studies, New Delhi.
21 September 2010- Main Speaker, Religion in India, P N A Sociological Perspective in a workshop on Understanding India for Austria Students organized by Professor Anand Kumar at Rajendra Bhawan , Delhi.
22 September 2010- Main Speaker, Cinema and Culture in India: The Dialectical Relationship, in a workshop on Understanding India for Austria Students organized by Professor Anand Kumar at Rajendra Bhawan , Delhi.
7 October 2010- Speaker, Cinema and Culture in India, Thursday Seminar on Works in Progress, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
Lecture Delivered on Religion and Culture on CEC Edusat Network/UGC, January 2012.
Lecture Delivered on Sociology of Cinema and Society on CEC Edusat Network/UGC, January 2012.
Lecture Delivered on Marxist Approach on CEC Edusat Network/UGC, January 2012.
Lecture Delivered on Structural Functionalism on CEC Edusat Network/UGC, 2012.
Lecture Delivered on Indology on CEC Edusat Network/UGC, 2012.
Lecture Delivered on " Shrii Shrii Ananadamurtiji's (Shri Prabhat Ranjan) Contribution to Philosophy, Language, Literature and Science" A Joint Seminar Organized by Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi and Renaissance Universal (RU), New Delhi, 17 March 2013.
2014- 2015
On sabbatical leave to Study Regional Cultures of Cinema, Culture and Sampradyas of India.
9 lectures given to Buddhist Monks working in Europe and America in an advanced course on Buddhist Theology in Post-Stagflation crises in the GlobaL Village, Organised by "Buddhist Research in Education Awareness and Development" (BREAD) at Sikkim Centre, Gangtok, 5th October -15th October, 2016.
Key-note speaker on Indian concept of culture, economy and investment for growth, development and prosperity, Organised by MBA students of Columbia Business School, USA at Welcome Hotel, Dwarka, New Delhi as part of their initiative to understand India as Investment destination for Global Finance, 3rd January, 2017.
Lecture delivered on 'Agriculture as Cultural Praxis' at BrandBihar.com, Patna, 13th February 2017.
Lecture delivered on 'Agriculture and Village Community' at BrandBihar.com, Patna, 14th February 2017.
Lecture delivered on 'Agriculture, Food and Medicine' at BrandBihar.com, Patna, 15th February 2017.
Lecture delivered on 'Agriculture and Cooperatives' at BrandBihar.com, Patna, 16th February 2017.
Lecture delivered on 'Vocational education and knowledge production for the consumption and Empowerment of Farmers in Rural areas' at BrandBihar.com, Patna, 17th February 2017.
Five Lectures delivered in a workshop on Konkani Culture and Cosmology organised by International Institute of Cosmic Science , Delhi at Panjim, Goa from 9th October 2017 to 14th October 2017.
Presided over panel discussion on," Culture and Ecology of Konkan at Panjim, Goan , 14th October 2017.
4th October 2019:- Valedictory address at International Institute Of Cosmic Sciences, Dehradun; Parvati and her incarnations as shakti in Himalayan mythologies, folklore and priestly manuals.
3rd October 2019:- At International Institute Of Cosmic Sciences, Dehradun; Keynote in a national workshop on : Religion, ecology and culture in Himalayan Region.
18th September 2019:- At UGC- HRDC 39th Refresher Course in Sociology On : Coomaraswamy, Levis-strauss and T.N. Madan : Towards a new Cultural Sociology of Global Civilizational Networks.
15th August 2019:- Cinema and Military in India and Pakistan, Society of Indian Thought and Action (SITA), Delhi.
3rd August 2019, At International Institute Of Cosmic Sciences(IICS),Delhi, Malthus, Club of Rome and ongoing stagflation since september 2007:Reading the future of political economy untill 9th september 2025.
15th June 2019:- At Maharaasha Foundation:Lecture on Female body and divine Conciousness in Raashleela at Vrindavan: an ethnographic perspective on Vaishnava Cosmology.
From 8th April 2019 to 16th April 2019:-At Shaolin Cinevision in Goa: 9 lectures on nine main rasas in Indian Cinema
Shringar rasa in the films of Rajkapoor
Veera rasa in the films of J.B.H. Wadia
Karuna rasa in the films of D.K. Bose
Hasya rasa in the films of Satyen Bose and Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Adbhut rasa in s.s. Vasan's Insaniyat and Bimal Roy's Parakh and Usne Kaha tha
Shant rasa in the films of Tarachand Badjatya
vatsalya rasa in Guljar's Mausama and K.Vishwanath's Esswar
Bhakti rasa in Bimal Roy's Devdasa(chandramukhi's Character)
Vibhatsa rasa in the films of Ramsay Brothers.
3rd January 2020:- At Global Institute of Fundamental Research, Delhi: Propaganda model and Political Economy of the Indian Political Campaigns in Indian General Elections Since 1977 to 2019.
27th February 2020:- At CSS Thursday Colloquium: Cinema and Sociology In India.
12th march 2020:- Lecture on Cinema and Society: A comparative Study of Cinema as sacred institution and Sociology as Profane activity at UGC-HRDC, JNU to 117th Orientation Programme.
21st march 2020 :-PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC DEBATES AND DISCUSSIONS Panelist in the debate on the nature of Corona Pandemic:Man-made Virus or Warth of Nature? A debate organised by Suraj Shankar on behalf Tripur Sundary Sadhana Peeth at Conference room Welcom Hotel, New Delhi.
7th May 2020:- Keynote Speaker in a webinar on Buddhist Economics, Corona Lockdowns and stagflation in Global Village, Organised by Buddhist Research in Education Awareness and Development(BREAD), Bodhgaya
8th June, 2020:- Online Lecture at Global Institute of Fundamental Research on the Topic:- "Concept of Man and Society in the writings of Karl Marx, Max Weber and Émile Durkheim .
12th August, 2020:- Keynote Speaker in a webinar on "CINEMA AND CULTURE IN INDIAN SOCIOLOGY: A THEORETICAL EXCURSUS" at International Institute Of Cosmic Sciences(IICS).
14th september, 2020:- Lecture at HRDC JNU in 40th Refresher Course in Sociology being organised ONLINE by HRDC JNU on Topic: "Cinema and Society in Nehruvian Era:1948-1964".
21st october, 2020:- Online Lecture at International Institute Of Cosmic Sciences(IICS) on the Topic: "Understanding Narendra Modi as a Charismatic Leader in Contemporary India".
10th December, 2020:- Online Lecture at Global Institute of Fundamental Research on the Topic:- "Politics of Translation in Social Sciences: Case study of the English Translation of "Le Suicide:Étude de sociologie1897" by Émile Durkheim.
6.Shaolin Cinevision
7.BREAD, Gangtok, Sikkim
8.BrandBihar.com, Patna
9.Mahalakshmi Kshetra in Konkan Region, Western India
11 january, 2021:- Keynote Speaker in international webinar on "vivekananda and young India" jointly organised by school of Humanities, Raffles University, neemrana, Rajasthan and Rays Global Foundation, (USA).
4th February, 2021:- Online Lecture at Tripur Sundary Sadhana Peeth, Dharapur, Guwahati on the topic: "Comparative study of Nauratras and Gupt nauratras in India Today.
15th March 2021:-7th Refresher Course in Global Studies (IDC) through online mode organized by HRDC-JNU on Topic: " The concept of space and time in indic tradition and western modernity : a preliminary quest in westology ".
29th July 2021:-Chaired one session of M Phil Work-in-Progress Seminar 2021 organised by Center for the Study of Social Systems School of Social Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University
Have been regularly writing in Hindi for a popular website, BrandBihar.com( the most viewed Hindi website in the Global Village on Hindi Literature).
Have been uploading videos on Youtube on Sociological Themes.
Pedagogic Interventions/engagements:- Use of Cinema in analysis of Electoral Verdicts in Assembly and Lok Sabha Elections in India.
1. P U, Leela, 2008, Religious Beliefs and Medical Practices: A Sociological study of Ashtavaidyas of Kerala, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
2. Rajshree, Keisham, 2008, Marriage Rituals and Kinship Systems among the Meiteis of Manipur: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
3. Nemching, Grace Don, 2008, Marriage Rituals: A Sociological Study of the Meities and Paite Tribe of Manipur, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
4. Faisal,K P,2010, Rites of Passage among Muslims of Kerala: A Sociological Study of Texts and Practices, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
5. Kumar,Manoj, 2010, Education and Social Change among Gond Tribes in Rohtas: Bihar (A Sociological Study), CSSS/SSS/JNU.
6. Sun Kim,Kwang, 2012, Economic Ethos and Religious Affiliation in Korean Society:A Comparative Study of Confucian and Christian Value, CSSS/SSS/JNU
7. Sharma,Ritu,2012,Street Children in Delhi: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
8. Rath,Subrat, 2012, Changing Roles of Temples in Society: A Comparative Study of Sun Temple, Lingraj Temple and Jagannath Temple in Orissa, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
9. Bihari, Saket, 2013, Gobalisation and Cultural Change:A Comparative Study of Konark, Ling raj and Jagannath Temples in Orissa, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
10. Shyam, Harsh Vardhan, 2014, The Changing Dynamics of Politics in Uttar Pradesh(1989-2010), CSSS/SSS/JNU.
11. Rai,Shivam, 2014, Potrayal of Rural Culture in Hindi Cinema(1950-2010), CSSS/SSS/JNU.
12. Prajapati, Rishikant, 2015, Migration and rural Households: A Sociological Study of Chitrakoot District, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
13. Datta, Sanghita, 2015, Contested Spaces and Power Politics: A Study of the Indian Enclave Migrants in the Border Regions of India and Bangladesh, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
14.Muhammed, Madappalli,2015, Sufism in South India: An Ethnographic Study on Sufi Shrines, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
15.Kushwaha, Omparakash, 2015, Sociology of Cartoons in Democracy: A Comparative Reading of Indian & American Experiences, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
16.Kunnath, Basil Philip, 2015, The Social in Relation to the Celestial and the Terrestrial: A Study in the History of Sociology, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
17.Kant, Kanihar, 2015, Poverty and Social Conflict in Bihar: A Study of Musahars and Tharus in Select Villages of West Champaran District, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
18.Kumar, Vikrant, 2016, Food Insecurity in the Musahar Community in Bihar: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
19. Bose, Suthopa, 2016, Religion & Everyday Life: Mediating Beliefs and Practices among Jain Households in the National Capital Region, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
20. Arfeen, Ayesha, 2016, Portrayal of Muslim Women in Hindustani Cinema: A Sociological Study of Selected Films Since 1970, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
21.Singh, Ravinder, 2017, Pilgrimage and the Emerging Challenges in India: A Comparative Study of Vashino Devi Shrine and Amarnath Shrine in Jammu and Kashmir, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
22. Bhasin,Ritu, Changing Dimensions of Child Socialisation: A Sociological Study of Selected Hindu Families in Delhi,CSSS/SSS/JNU.
23. Chandrabanshi,Sarika, 2018, Sociological Study of Women Prisoners: A Case Study of Central Jail, Bhopal, 2018, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
24. Das, Sangeeta, 2018, Gender and Caste in Contemporary Tantric Practices in Assam, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
25.Chandra,Sonal, 2018, The Culture Industry in India: A Sociological Study of Bombay Film Industry, CSSS/SSS/JNU
26.Khuntia, Devanjan, 2018, Women, Mobility and the Media Construction of Crime: A Sociological Study of Contemporary Delhi, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
27.Jennifer,Divyadarshi, 2018, Cultural Construction of Home among Middle Class Persons:A Comparative Study of Dwelling Spaces in Gurgaon and Visakhapatnam, CSSS/SSS/JNU
28.Rahman, Mujibur, 2019, Of Barkat: Understanding the Magical Universe Of The Bengali Muslims Through A Study Of Shrines, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
29.Saha, Atrayee, Agriculture and Development in West Bengal: Ethnographic Study of selected rural communities in Bardhaman, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
30.Das, Binoy Jyoti ,Politics of Sub-Nationalism and Ethnic Identity: A Case Study of Assam Since 1979, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
31.Kumari, Archana, 2021, Media , CSSS/SSS/JN.
1. Das,Dipti Rekha,CSSS/SSS/JNU
2. Lisam,Sophia,CSSS/SSS/JNU
3. Sharma Rukmani,CSSS/SSS/JNU
4. Sneh Shakti, CSSS/SSS/JNU
5. Dinesh Rajak,CSSS/SSS/JNU
1. Sharma, Shobhana, From Garbhadhan to Vivah: Ritual Life of Hindu Women among the "Dogras" of Jammu, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
2. Sheeki,Mahwash, Changing patterns of marriages in India: A Socilogical study of self- arranged marriages in Delhi, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
3. Mausumi, Articulating Nation: A Study of Patriotic Hindi Film Songs (1950-2000), CSSS/SSS/JNU.
4. Mohapatra, Nath, Baikuntha ,Marriage Rituals, Kinship Terminology and Prestrations: A Study of Two Villages in Orissa, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
5. Sarangi, Smita Contemporary Dimensions of Marriage and Family in Urban India: A Sociological study of Selected cases in Jamshedpur, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
6. Roshan, Roopa, A Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Cinema on Indian Society: A study of Selected Popular Hindi Films, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
7. Hashmi, Nadai, Gender in Muslim Society, CSSS/SSS/JNU
8. Srivastava, Sangita, Corporate Philanthropy,CSSS/SSS/JNU
9. Goswami,Ankur, CSSS/SSS/JNU
10. Tripathi,Harshvardhan,CSSS/SSS/JNU
11. Gupta, Kumar, Vinay,CSSS/SSS/JNU
12. Singh,Swechcha,CSSS/SSS/JNU
1. Nemching,GraceDon, 2002, Marriage, Family and Kinship among the Paite Tribe of Manipur, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
2. Mohapatra,Nath, Baikuntha, 2002, Concept of 'Tradition' in Indian Sociology: Sociological Understanding, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
3. Choudhary,Renu, 2003, Changing Status of Women in Hindu Family, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
4. P U, Leela, 2003, Religion and Ecology: Selected Study of Sacred Groves in Kerala, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
5. Kim, Sun, Kwang, 2003, Religion and Society: A Comparative study of Christianity in India and Korea under Colonial Era, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
6. Sharma,Ritu, 2003, Sociology of Literature: A Comparative study of Chitralekha and Agani Varsha, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
7. Chandra,Sonal, 2004, Culture Industry: A Sociological Exploration, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
8. Sarangi,Smita, 2004, Culture and Narration: A Sociological Exploration of the Forms of Narrative Strategies Manifested in Indian Culture, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
9. Roshan, Roopa, 2004, A Sociological Analysis of Cinema and Society in India, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
10. Ray,Lagana, 2004, Educational Experiments at Shantiniketan: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
11. Mohanty,Silpee, 2005, The Sociology of the Body and Desire in Indian Culture: A Case Study of Devdas (2002), CSSS/SSS/JNU.
12. Faisal, K P, 2005, Modernity and Tradition among the Muslims of Kerala, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
13. Lhaineilhing,Elizabeth, 2006, New Religion Movements and Healing in Contemporary India: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
14. Kumar,Pradeep, 2006, Evaluation of Reservation Policy and Its' Extension in Private Sector, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
15. Sanyal, Esha, 2007, The Sociology of Body and Desire: A Case Study of Selected Hindi Films, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
16. Dwivedi,Ketki, 2007, Social Security in Unorganized Sector in India: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
17. Rai, Shivam, 2008, A Sociology Study of Indian Diaspora in the USA, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
18. Shyam, Shah ,Harsh Vardhan Shah, 2008, A Critical Analysis of Media (TV) and Audience Response in Contemporary Society, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
19. Das, Binoyjyoti, 2008, Social Construction of Romantic Love in Hindi Cinema: A Sociological Study of Selected Films From 1973 to 2007, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
20. Sharma, Sanjana, 2008, Changing Notions of Indian Beauty in the Era of Globalization, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
21. Kumar, Anil, 2009, From Pragmatism to Indian Materialism: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
22. Muhammed, Madappalli, 2010, Knowledge and Power among Muslims of Kerala: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
23. Kunnath, Basil Philip, 2011, Christianity, Modernity and Sociology: An Ideological History, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
24. Prajapati, Rishikant, 2011, Rural Development Programmes in India: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
25. Sheeki, Mahawash,2011, Changing Dimension of Love and Romance in Hindi Cinema: A Sociological Study,CSSS/SSS/JNU.
26. Bose, Suthopa, 2011, Religious Ethics and Economy oft he Jains in India: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
27. Sharma, Kavita, 2011, Potrayal of Love Stories in Contemporary Hindi Cinema, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
28. Jahfar Shareef P, 2012, Performance, Body and Intersubjectivity: Understanding Theyyam in Malabar, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
29. Hashmi,Nadia, 2012, Changing Dimensions of Marriage and Family among Muslims in North India, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
30. Kumari,Archana, 2012, Media Ownership and its impact on News: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
31. Singh, Ravinder ,2012, Mother Goddess and the Notion of Motherhood: A Sociological Study of Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine in Jammu, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
32. Upadhyay, Malvika ,2013, Exploring the Concepts of Tradition and Modernity in India and Europe, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
33. Khuntia,Devanjan, 2013, 24X7 News Channels As Social Institution in Contemporary India: A Sociological Analysis, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
34. Das,Sangeeta, 2013, Ambuvachi Mela and Kamakhya Temple in Assam: A Sociological Analysis, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
35. Mitra, Kolika, 2013, Re-Thinking Hinduism: Mapping the Trajectory of Spiritual Gurus in Modern India, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
36. Sharma, Shobhana, 2014, Understanding Amarnath Yatra as a Religious Phenomena in Jammu & Kashmir, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
37. Jennifer, Divyadarshi, 2014, Dialectics of Nature and Culture in Hindu Calendar: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
38. Goswami, Ankur, 2015, Allahabad Kumbh Mela: A Sociological Study, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
39. Tripathi, Harshvardhan, 2016, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa as Hindu Guru: A Sociological Study of Essential Teachings of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
40. Dip, Kurukshetra, 2016, Disability and Social Justice Discourse in India: Affirmative Action, Citizenship and Quest for a Just Society, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
41. Lisam, Sophia, 2018, Change and Continuity in Marriage Rituals: The Case of the Meiteis of Manipur, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
42. Das, Diptirekha, 2018, From Puberty to Marriage Ritual: Construction of Women as a Person in the Assamese Hindu Society, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
43. Shakti, Sneh, 2018, Religion, Family and Conjugality Among the North Indian Urban Middle Class Hindus, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
44. Sharma, Rukmani, 2018, Birth Rituals and Cultural Construction: A Sociological Analysis of Bengali Hindus in Siliguri, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
45. Rajak, Dinesh, Changing Pattern of Agrarian Structure in Madhya Pradesh, CSSS/SSS/JNU.
▪Warden, Recreation, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2000
▪Warden, Sanitation and Maintenance, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2001
▪Warden, Mess, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2002
▪Senior Warden, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2003
▪Warden, Recreation, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2004
▪Senior Warden, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2005
▪Warden, Recreation, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2006
▪Warden, Mess, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2007
▪Warden, Sanitation and Maintenance, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2008
▪Warden, Recreation, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2009
▪Warden, Mess, Narmada Hostel (JNU) 2010
▪Warden, Sanitation and Maintenance, Narmada Hostel (JNU), 2011
Member Library Committee, SSS/JNU (2001-2004) as a Representative of CSSS/SSS/JNU
▪Member, Board of Studies, SSS/JNU (2002-2004)
▪Member, Board of Studies, M D U, Ajmer, Rajasthan (2006-2008)
▪Member, Academic Council, JNU (2008-2010)
▪Member of JNU Court (2008-2010)
Note: The experience as Warden has helped me understand the social psychology of students in JNU. This gives the backstage of students.
MA SS 463 N: Cinema and Culture in India (4 credits) optional
M. Phil SS630: Textual Analysis in Cultural Context: Social Anthropology of Civilization (optional)
MA SS458 N: Religion and Society in India (4 credits) Compulsory (developed with Professor Susan Visvanathan, Dr. Renuka Singh and Dr. Nilika Mehrotra)
At M. Phil Level
SS 601 Theoretical Orientations in Sociological Analysis.
SS 622 Social Structure, Values and Religious Systems
SS 630 Textual Analysis in Cultural Context: Social Anthropology of Civilization
SS 623 Systems of family and Kinship
At MA Level
SS 411 Indian Society: Structure and Process
SS 429 Modern Indian Social Thought
SS 416 Sociology of Medicine
SS 405 Sociology of Family Life and Kinship
SS 451N Methodology of Social Sciences
SS 463N Cinema and Culture in India
SS 452N Sociological Thinkers
At Undergraduate Level
SS 202N Themes in Indian Society: Structure and Change